Namespace: d3dx

The d3dx namespace contains functions that are part of the extended Direct3D8 SDK.

You can access this namespace via:


Below are the functions available in this namespace.

ID3DXBuffer Interface Functions


Determines whether the object supports a particular COM interface.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXBuffer_QueryInterface(parent, iid);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
    • iid - (string) The iid to query for.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The queried object on success, nil otherwise.


Increases the reference count of the object by 1.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXBuffer_AddRef(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The reference count of the object.


Decreases the reference count of the object by 1.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXBuffer_Release(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The reference count of the object.


Retrieves a pointer to the data in the buffer.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXBuffer_GetBufferPointer(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The pointer address of the buffer.


Retrieves the total size of the data in the buffer.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXBuffer_GetBufferSize(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The size of the buffer.

ID3DXFont Interface Functions


Determines whether the object supports a particular COM interface.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_QueryInterface(parent, iid);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
    • iid - (string) The iid to query for.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The queried object on success, nil otherwise.


Increases the reference count of the object by 1.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_AddRef(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The reference count of the object.


Decreases the reference count of the object by 1.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_Release(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The reference count of the object.


Retrieves the attributes of the font.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_GetLogFont(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object - The LOGFONT object of the font.


Prepares a device for drawing text.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_Begin(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


Draws formatted text on a Microsoft® Direct3D® device.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_DrawTextA(parent, str, count, rect, color);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
    • str - (string) The string to draw.
    • count - (number) The length of the string.
    • rect - (object) The RECT of the text to draw.
    • color - (number) The D3DCOLOR of the string.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


Restores the device state to how it was when ID3DXFont::Begin was called.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXFont_End(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.

ID3DXSprite Interface Functions


Determines whether the object supports a particular COM interface.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_QueryInterface(parent, iid);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
    • iid - (string) The iid to query for.
  • Returns
    • object|nil - The queried object on success, nil otherwise.


Increases the reference count of the object by 1.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_AddRef(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The reference count of the object.


Decreases the reference count of the object by 1.

function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_Release(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The reference count of the object.


function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_Begin(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_Draw(parent, srcTexture, srcRect, scaling, rotationCenter, rotation, translation, color);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
    • srcTexture - (object) The source texture to draw with.
    • srcRect - (object) The source RECT of the texture to draw.
    • scaling - (object) The D3DXVECTOR2 to scale the sprite with.
    • rotationCenter - (object) The D3DXVECTOR2 center to rotate the sprite around.
    • rotation - (number) The rotation amount.
    • translation - (object) The D3DXVECTOR2 to translate the sprite with.
    • color - (number) The D3DCOLOR to draw with.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_DrawTransform(parent, srcTexture, srcRect, transform, color);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
    • srcTexture - (object) The source texture to draw with.
    • srcRect - (object) The source RECT of the texture to draw.
    • transform - (object) The D3DXVECTOR2 to translate the sprite with.
    • color - (number) The D3DCOLOR to draw with.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


function ashita.d3dx.ID3DXSprite_End(parent);
  • Parameters
    • parent - (object) The parent object.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.

Direct3DX Functions


Creates an ID3DXFont object.

function ashita.d3dx.CreateFontIndirect(logfont);
  • Parameters
    • logfont - (object) The LOGFONT object to use while creating the font.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped font object on success, nil otherwise.


Creates an ID3DXSprite object.

function ashita.d3dx.CreateSprite();
  • Parameters
    • None.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped sprite object on success, nil otherwise.


Loads and assembles a shader from a file.

function ashita.d3dx.AssembleShaderFromFile(file, flags);
  • Parameters
    • file - (string) The full file path to the shader to load.
    • flags - (number) The shader flags.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped shader constants buffer if valid, nil otherwise. (ID3DXBuffer wrapped.)
    • object|nil - The wrapped shader buffer if valid, nil otherwise. (ID3DXBuffer wrapped.)
    • object|nil - The wrapped shader errors if valid, nil otherwise. (ID3DXBuffer wrapped.)


Assembles a shader from the given text.

function ashita.d3dx.AssembleShader(text, flags);
  • Parameters
    • text - (string) The raw shader text to load.
    • flags - (number) The shader flags.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped shader constants buffer if valid, nil otherwise. (ID3DXBuffer wrapped.)
    • object|nil - The wrapped shader buffer if valid, nil otherwise. (ID3DXBuffer wrapped.)
    • object|nil - The wrapped shader errors if valid, nil otherwise. (ID3DXBuffer wrapped.)


Loads a surface from a file.

function ashita.d3dx.LoadSurfaceFromFileA(dstSurface, dstRect, srcFile, srcRect, filter, colorKey);
  • Parameters
    • dstSurface - (object) The destination surface to hold the result.
    • dstRect - (object) The destination RECT of the dest. surface to load at.
    • srcFile - (string) The source file to load the surface from.
    • srcRect - (object) The source file RECT to load the source from.
    • filter - (number) The filter flags controlling how the image is filtered.
    • colorKey - (number) The D3DCOLOR to replace with transparent black.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • table|nil - The surface palette on success, nil otherwise.


Loads a surface from a file in memory.

function ashita.d3dx.LoadSurfaceFromFileInMemory(dstSurface, dstRect, srcData, srcDataSize, srcRect, filter, colorKey);
  • Parameters
    • dstSurface - (object) The destination surface to hold the result.
    • dstRect - (object) The destination RECT of the dest. surface to load at.
    • srcData - (number) The address where the surface starts in memory.
    • srcDataSize - (number) The size of the surface.
    • srcRect - (object) The source file RECT to load the source from.
    • filter - (number) The filter flags controlling how the image is filtered.
    • colorKey - (number) The D3DCOLOR to replace with transparent black.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • table|nil - The surface palette on success, nil otherwise.


Saves a surface to a file.

function ashita.d3dx.SaveSurfaceToFileA(dstFile, dstFormat, srcSurface, srcPalette, srcRect);
  • Parameters
    • dstFile - (string) The path to the file to save the surface to.
    • dstFormat - (number) The file format to save the surface as.
    • srcSurface - (object) The source surface object to save.
    • srcPalette - (table) The surface palette to save with. (Can be nil.)
    • srcRect - (object) The source RECT of the surface to save.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


Creates a texture from a file.

function ashita.d3dx.CreateTextureFromFileA(file);
  • Parameters
    • file - (string) The path to the texture file to load.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped texture object on success, nil otherwise.


Creates a texture from a file.

function ashita.d3dx.CreateTextureFromFileExA(file, width, height, mipLevels, usage, format, pool, filter, mipFilter, colorKey);
  • Parameters
    • file - (string) The path to the texture file to load.
    • width - (number) The texture width.
    • height - (number) The texture height.
    • mipLevels - (number) The texture mip level count.
    • usage - (number) The texture usage type.
    • format - (number) The format of the texture.
    • pool - (number) The pool usage type.
    • filter - (number) The flags controlling how the image is filtered.
    • mipFilter - (number) The flags controlling how the image is filtered.
    • colorKey - (number) The D3DCOLOR to replace with transparent black.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped texture object on success, nil otherwise.


Creates a texture from a file in memory.

function ashita.d3dx.CreateTextureFromFileInMemory(srcData, srcDataSize);
  • Parameters
    • srcData - (number) Pointer address to the texture in memory.
    • srcDataSize - (number) The size of the texture.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped texture object on success, nil otherwise.


Creates a texture from a file in memory.

function ashita.d3dx.CreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx(srcData, srcDataSize, width, height, mipLevels, usage, format, pool, filter, mipFilter, colorKey);
  • Parameters
    • srcData - (number) Pointer address to the texture in memory.
    • srcDataSize - (number) The size of the texture.
    • width - (number) The texture width.
    • height - (number) The texture height.
    • mipLevels - (number) The texture mip level count.
    • usage - (number) The texture usage type.
    • format - (number) The format of the texture.
    • pool - (number) The pool usage type.
    • filter - (number) The flags controlling how the image is filtered.
    • mipFilter - (number) The flags controlling how the image is filtered.
    • colorKey - (number) The D3DCOLOR to replace with transparent black.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • object|nil - The wrapped texture object on success, nil otherwise.


Saves a texture to a file.

function ashita.d3dx.SaveTextureToFileA(file, dstFormat, srcTexture, srcPalette);
  • Parameters
    • file - (string) The path to the file to save the texture to.
    • dstFormat - (number) The format to save the texture as.
    • srcTexture - (object) The texture to save.
    • srcPalette - (table) The texture palette to use while saving. (Can be nil.)
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.


Converts a Direct3D HRESULT error into its string representation.

function ashita.d3dx.GetErrorStringA(error);
  • Parameters
    • error - (number) The HRESULT to translate to a string.
  • Returns
    • number - The HRESULT of the call.
    • string|nil - The converted HRESULT value to its string representation, nil on error.

Matrix Functions


Creates an identity matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixIdentity(matrix);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to set.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Checks if the given matrix is an identity matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixIsIdentity(matrix);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to test.
  • Returns
    • bool - True if identity, false otherwise.


Returns the determinant of a matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixfDeterminant(matrix);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use.
  • Returns
    • number - The matrix determinant.


Returns the matrix transpose of a matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixTranspose(matrix, matrixIn);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • matrixIn - (object) The source matrix.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Determines the product of two matrices.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixMultiply(matrix, matrix1, matrix2);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • matrix1 - (object) The source matrix.
    • matrix2 - (object) The source matrix.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Determines the product of two matrices, followed by a transpose.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixMultiplyTranspose(matrix, matrix1, matrix2);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • matrix1 - (object) The source matrix.
    • matrix2 - (object) The source matrix.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Calculates the inverse of a matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixInverse(matrix, matrixIn);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • matrixIn - (object) The source matrix.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.
    • number - The result determinant.


Builds a matrix that scales along the x-, y-, and z-axes.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixScaling(matrix, sx, sy, sz);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • sx - (number) The scaling factor applied to the x-axis.
    • sy - (number) The scaling factor applied to the y-axis.
    • sz - (number) The scaling factor applied to the z-axis.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix using the specified offsets.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixTranslation(matrix, x, y, z);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • x - (number) The x-coord offset.
    • y - (number) The y-coord offset.
    • z - (number) The z-coord offset.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix that rotates around the x-axis.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixRotationX(matrix, angle);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • angle - (number) The angle of rotation in radians.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix that rotates around the y-axis.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixRotationY(matrix, angle);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • angle - (number) The angle of rotation in radians.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix that rotates around the z-axis.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixRotationZ(matrix, angle);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • angle - (number) The angle of rotation in radians.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix that rotates around an arbitrary axis.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixRotationAxis(matrix, vec3, angle);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • vec3 - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that identifies the axis angle.
    • angle - (number) The angle of rotation in radians.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix from a quaternion.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixRotationQuaternion(matrix, quarternion);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • quarternion - (object) The D3DXQUATERNION that identifies the rotation.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix with a specified yaw, pitch, and roll.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(matrix, yaw, pitch, roll);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • yaw - (number) The yaw around the y-axis. (In radians.)
    • pitch - (number) The pitch around the x-axis. (In radians.)
    • roll - (number) The roll around the z-axis. (In radians.)
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a transformation matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixTransformation(matrix, scalingCenter, scalingRotation, scaling, rotationCenter, rotation, translation);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • scalingCenter - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 identifying the center point.
    • scalingRotation - (object) The D3DXQUATERNION that specifies the scaling rotation.
    • scaling - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 scaling vector.
    • rotationCenter - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that specifies the center of rotation.
    • rotation - (object) The D3DXQUATERNION that specifies the rotation.
    • translation - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that specifies the translation.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds an affine transformation matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixAffineTransformation(matrix, scaling, rotationCenter, rotation, translation);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • scaling - (number) The scaling factor.
    • rotationCenter - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that specifies the center of rotation.
    • rotation - (object) The D3DXQUATERNION that specifies the rotation.
    • translation - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that specifies the translation.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a right-handed look-at matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixLookAtRH(matrix, eye, at, up);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • eye - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that defines the eye point.
    • at - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that defines the camera look-at target.
    • up - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that defines the current world’s up.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a left-handed look-at matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixLookAtLH(matrix, eye, at, up);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • eye - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that defines the eye point.
    • at - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that defines the camera look-at target.
    • up - (object) The D3DXVECTOR3 that defines the current world’s up.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixPerspectiveRH(matrix, w, h, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • w - (number) The width of the view volume at the near view-plane.
    • h - (number) The height of the view volume at the near view-plane.
    • zn - (number) The Z of the near view-plane.
    • zf - (number) The Z of the far view-plane.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixPerspectiveLH(matrix, w, h, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • w - (number) The width of the view volume at the near view-plane.
    • h - (number) The height of the view volume at the near view-plane.
    • zn - (number) The Z of the near view-plane.
    • zf - (number) The Z of the far view-plane.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view (FOV).

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixPerspectiveFovRH(matrix, fovy, aspect, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • fovy - (number) The field of view, in radians.
    • aspect - (number) The aspect ratio.
    • zn - (number) The Z of the near view-plane.
    • zf - (number) The Z of the far view-plane.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view (FOV).

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixPerspectiveFovLH(matrix, fovy, aspect, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • fovy - (number) The field of view, in radians.
    • aspect - (number) The aspect ratio.
    • zn - (number) The Z of the near view-plane.
    • zf - (number) The Z of the far view-plane.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a customized, right-handed perspective projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH(matrix, l, r, b, t, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • l - (number) Minimum x-value of the view volume.
    • r - (number) Maximum x-value of the view volume.
    • b - (number) Minimum y-value of the view volume.
    • t - (number) Maximum y-value of the view volume.
    • zn - (number) Minimum z-value of the view volume.
    • zf - (number) Maximum z-value of the view volume.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a customized, left-handed perspective projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH(matrix, l, r, b, t, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • l - (number) Minimum x-value of the view volume.
    • r - (number) Maximum x-value of the view volume.
    • b - (number) Minimum y-value of the view volume.
    • t - (number) Maximum y-value of the view volume.
    • zn - (number) Minimum z-value of the view volume.
    • zf - (number) Maximum z-value of the view volume.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a right-handed orthogonal projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixOrthoRH(matrix, w, h, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • w - (number) The width of the view volume.
    • h - (number) The height of the view volume.
    • zn - (number) Minimum z-value of the view volume.
    • zf - (number) Maximum z-value of the view volume.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a left-handed orthogonal projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixOrthoLH(matrix, w, h, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • w - (number) The width of the view volume.
    • h - (number) The height of the view volume.
    • zn - (number) Minimum z-value of the view volume.
    • zf - (number) Maximum z-value of the view volume.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a customized, right-handed orthogonal projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixOrthoOffCenterRH(matrix, l, r, b, t, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • l - (number) Minimum x-value of the view volume.
    • r - (number) Maximum x-value of the view volume.
    • b - (number) Minimum y-value of the view volume.
    • t - (number) Maximum y-value of the view volume.
    • zn - (number) Minimum z-value of the view volume.
    • zf - (number) Maximum z-value of the view volume.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a customized, left-handed orthogonal projection matrix.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixOrthoOffCenterLH(matrix, l, r, b, t, zn, zf);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • l - (number) Minimum x-value of the view volume.
    • r - (number) Maximum x-value of the view volume.
    • b - (number) Minimum y-value of the view volume.
    • t - (number) Maximum y-value of the view volume.
    • zn - (number) Minimum z-value of the view volume.
    • zf - (number) Maximum z-value of the view volume.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix that flattens geometry into a plane.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixShadow(matrix, light, plane);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • light - (object) The D3DXVECTOR4 describing the lights position.
    • plane - (object) The D3DXPLANE of the source.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.


Builds a matrix that reflects the coordinate system about a plane.

function ashita.d3dx.MatrixReflect(matrix, plane);
  • Parameters
    • matrix - (object) The D3DXMATRIX to use for the result.
    • plane - (object) The D3DXPLANE of the source.
  • Returns
    • object - The result matrix.