
Author: atom0s

An addon that allows players to easily track and monitor items and key items on-screen. Useful for things such as Abyssea farming where needing multiple key items gets tedious to track. Includes a full UI editor for ease of use.


  • Adds on-screen item/key item tracking.
  • Easy to use in-game UI editor.




/itemwatch editor
/itemwatch reload
/itemwatch save
/itemwatch item find <name>
/itemwatch item add <itemid>
/itemwatch item delete <itemid>
/itemwatch item clear
/itemwatch key find <name>
/itemwatch key add <keyid>
/itemwatch key delete <keyid>
/itemwatch key clear
  • Toggles the editor window.
  • Toggles the editor window.
  • Reloads the item watch settings.
  • Saves the item watch settings.
  • Looks for all items with the given name / partial name.
  • Adds an item to the watch list by its id.
  • Deletes an item from the watch list by its id.
  • Clears all watched items.
  • Looks for a key item with the given name / partial name.
  • Adds a key item to the watch list by its id.
  • Deletes a key item from the watch list by its id.
  • Clears all watched key items.